
Naturopathy is an integrative and functional medicine practice that is deeply rooted in vitalism and holism, and the belief that the human body has the innate ability to heal itself. Naturopathy combines principles of nutritional therapy, herbal medicine, and lifestyle medicine to create a holistic approach to health and disease.

Naturopathic consultations aim to uncover the root cause of health concerns to create balance in the body resulting in the reversal of disease and long-standing permanent change, rather than band-aid approaches and quick fixes.

Skin conditions are often one of the most difficult disorders to treat with medicine and have very high rates of relapse with conventional treatment.   We believe that internal and external factors often trigger skin conditions, and without looking at the whole body, treating symptoms only will never fully resolve a condition.

Kum Tonics.

Discover our meticulously crafted Naturopathic strength, herbal tonics, each designed to support your well-being uniquely. Our Calm Skin Tonic soothes and heals reactive skin, promoting a balanced complexion. The Clear Skin Tonic enhances your natural radiance by detoxifying and balancing hormones. For restful nights, our Deep Sleep Tonic fosters deep relaxation and tranquillity. Finally, our Stress Relief Tonic helps you maintain calm and focus by supporting adrenal health and reducing stress. Embrace the power of nature with our bespoke tonics for a harmonious and radiant life.

Francesca Deane - Naturopath | Holistic Skin Therapist

Francesca is a degree qualified, naturopath and nutritionist, and a holistic skin therapist. Francie has a specific focus on achieving functional results in complicated skin disorders such as acne, eczema, and rosacea. Francie works holistically to determine the root cause of conditions and works internally and externally to curate a treatment plan tailored to your skin. 

Skin conditions can be debilitating physically and very harmful to self-confidence, Francie understands the complexities of skin conditions after suffering from acne for over 10 years before healing her skin naturally. Her journey inspires her passion for sharing her knowledge and assisting others in their health journey

Naturopathic Services

 A naturopathic consultation will involve a 60 - 75 minute deep dive into your health history from birth - today, and individually look at your body systems, hormones, metabolic health and digestive function including physical and functional testing of your health to uncover drivers causing an imbalance in the body.

A chronic skin condition is almost always a sign of a deeper imbalance in the body and we aim to uncover and fix these imbalances so that you can achieve harmony in your skin, body and mind.

  • 60 - 75 mins | $185

    Includes customised skin health plan including lifestyle recommendations, prescription only supplements recommendations, targeted nutrition advice, and a personalised skincare prescription - Pathology and functional testing referrals if indicated.

  • 30-45 mins | $95

    An opportunity to discuss health progress, set backs, review test results, make tweaks to the plan, and transitioning into following phases of health plan.

Healing is not a matter of setting the molecules straight, it is a matter of helping the one in need of healing into an experience of wholeness. ”

— Larry Dossey, MD