Discover the 5 Contemporary Skin Conditions

Traditionally, our industry has classified skin types based on the skin's oil production—familiar categories such as normal, oily, dry, or combination. However, these classifications oversimplify our complex modern lives, neglecting crucial factors like age, genetics, diet, lifestyle, environment, and stress.

Our clients defy these conventional frameworks. We recognized the necessity of treating the skin as an integral aspect of overall health—a holistic approach driven by careful consideration.

Our dedicated team has formulated 5 comprehensive Skin Conditions to assess and address the skin. Understanding your unique skin type is pivotal for tailoring an effective skincare routine, selecting the right products, and addressing your skin concerns comprehensively from the inside out.

  • Adaptive skin, true to its name, is characterized by its resilience, balance, and receptiveness to skincare products.

    This skin type exhibits no significant concerns but thrives when consistently nurtured and supported by a dedicated skincare routine.

  • We prefer the term 'Ageing well' rather than the heavily marketed 'Anti-ageing' concept.

    Recognizing that ageing is an inherent aspect of life, we fully embrace the wisdom and growth it brings.

    When caring for mature skin, our approach involves nourishing, repairing, enhancing skin cell turnover, brightening, and naturally stimulating collagen and elastin to promote a healthy and vibrant ageing process.

  • Stressed skin is frequently sensitive and prone to reactivity with many products.

    Skin conditions like rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis, which have internal origins, are often triggered or exacerbated by both environmental and emotional stressors.

    The primary objective in addressing Stress Reactive skin is to fortify, soothe, and support the skin's barrier for enhanced resilience and calmness.

  • Hormone Reactive skin is a potential concern at any stage of life.

    Hormones play a crucial role in determining the level of oil produced by our skin; an imbalance in hormones often leads to inflammation and congestion. Hormonal conditions like PCOS, Endometriosis, Menopause, and the impact of oral contraceptive pills can all contribute to Hormone Reactive skin.

    When addressing this skin type, the primary goal is to holistically support oil regulation and moisture balance for optimal skin health.

  • Environmental Reactive skin is influenced by external factors.

    This encompasses pigmentation resulting from sun exposure, dullness caused by sluggish skin due to products like sunscreen and heavy makeup, and skin affected by prolonged exposure to air conditioning indoors.

    When addressing environmentally reactive skin, our primary goal is to illuminate and detoxify, promoting a healthier and more vibrant complexion.

Taxonomy of Skin®

  1. the branch of science concerned with classification, especially of organisms; systematics.
    • the classification of something, especially organisms.
    • a scheme of classification. plural noun: taxonomies