Evidence Based Benefits of Facial Massage.

The Sublime Virtue of Regular Facials and Facial Massages

In our ever-hectic lives, finding solace in moments of tranquility can often feel like a distant reverie. Yet, the ritual of regular facials and facial massages extends far beyond mere indulgence, enveloping us in a profound embrace of both skin health and holistic well-being. These treatments, grounded in scientific research, reveal their multifaceted benefits, inviting you to embark on a journey toward radiant skin and serene composure.

The Scientific Grace of Facial Massages

Facial massages are a harmonious blend of art and science, offering not just tactile delight but also substantiated physiological advantages:

  1. Alleviation of Stress Hormones: Engage in the symphony of touch as facial massages markedly diminish cortisol and adrenaline levels. By lowering these stress-induced hormones by up to 31%, the body is coaxed into the soothing embrace of the parasympathetic nervous system, fostering an oasis of calm and well-being.

  2. Elevation of Mood: Allow the gentle ministrations of massage to elevate serotonin levels by an average of 28% and dopamine by 31%. These neurotransmitters are the architects of our emotional landscape, crafting moments of relaxation, joy, and tranquility.

  3. Release of Oxytocin: The tender touch inherent in facial massages stimulates the release of oxytocin, the “love hormone.” This hormone fortifies feelings of trust and social bonding, nurturing emotional balance and connection.

  4. Enhanced Circulation: Through the rhythmic strokes of massage, blood flow is invigorated, delivering oxygen and nutrient-rich sustenance to skin tissues. This influx not only nurtures a healthier complexion but also supports cell regeneration, refining skin tone and texture.

  5. Lymphatic Harmony: The art of facial massage encourages the fluid dance within the lymphatic system, purifying the body and expelling waste byproducts. This gentle drainage reduces swelling, alleviates puffiness, and unveils a clearer, more vibrant visage.

Facial sculpting and Buccal Massage Hydration and anti-aging benefits of facial treatments

Summary of Study on Facial Massage Effectiveness

A preliminary pilot study evaluated the effectiveness of facial massage using advanced computed tomography (CT) technology. Five healthy adults performed self-massage twice daily for two weeks. Results showed a 0.8% reduction in cheek thickness, a 2.6% increase in the height of the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS), and significant lifting and tightening effects. These findings provide objective scientific evidence supporting the benefits of facial massage, highlighting its potential for beauty treatments.

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The Ritual of Regular Facials

Complementing the allure of massages, regular facials offer a repertoire of benefits, ensuring your skin remains in impeccable condition:

  1. Tailored Skincare: Each facial is a bespoke experience, meticulously crafted to address your unique skin type and concerns. Whether it’s combating acne, quenching dryness, or softening the signs of aging, we deliver targeted treatments for optimal results.

  2. Deep Cleansing: Facials perform an exquisite cleansing ritual, removing impurities, dead skin cells, and excess oils. This thorough purification helps prevent blemishes and maintains a luminous, refreshed complexion.

  3. Hydration Infusion: Our facials envelop your skin in hydrating masks and serums, restoring moisture and bolstering elasticity. Well-hydrated skin exudes a supple, youthful glow.

  4. Anti-Aging Mastery: Facials stimulate collagen production and fortify skin elasticity, diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Advanced treatments like microdermabrasion and chemical peels accelerate skin renewal, bestowing a refined texture.

Crafting a Sustainable Ritual of Self-Care

Integrating regular facials and facial massages into your self-care regimen is an investment in enduring skin health and holistic harmony. Here’s how to weave these rituals into your lifestyle:

  • Monthly Facials: Commit to a monthly facial to maintain pristine skin health. This regular attention ensures your skin receives the meticulous care it deserves, sustaining its vitality and radiance.

  • Weekly Massages: Incorporate the soothing rhythm of facial massages into your weekly routine. Whether experienced in the serene confines of our spa or through mindful self-massage, the benefits are profoundly rejuvenating.

  • Personalised Treatments: Collaborate with your us to devise a bespoke skincare plan that addresses your distinct needs and aspirations. Personalised care yields the most luminous results.

  • Complementary Home Care: Elevate your professional treatments with a consistent home skincare regimen. Utilize products recommended by your esthetician to prolong and enhance the benefits of your facials and massages.

By embracing the ritual of regular facials and facial massages, you are not merely tending to your skin; you are nurturing your mind, body, and spirit. These treatments transcend surface-level beauty, offering a holistic approach to well-being that is both profound and lasting.

Schedule your next appointment and indulge in the transformative power of meticulous skincare.


  1. Okuda I, Takeda M, Taira M, Kobayashi T, Inomata K, Yoshioka N. Objective analysis of the effectiveness of facial massage using breakthrough computed tomographic technology: A preliminary pilot study. Skin Res Technol. 2022 May;28(3):472-479. doi: 10.1111/srt.13152. Epub 2022 Apr 13. PMID: 35416349; PMCID: PMC9907650.

  2. Field, T., Hernandez-Reif, M., Diego, M., Schanberg, S., & Kuhn, C. (2005). Cortisol decreases and serotonin and dopamine increase following massage therapy. International Journal of Neuroscience, 115(10), 1397-1413.

  3. Morhenn, V. B., Beavin, L. E., & Zak, P. J. (2012). Massage increases oxytocin and reduces adrenocorticotropin hormone in humans. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 18(6), 11-18.

  4. Moyer, C. A., Rounds, J., & Hannum, J. W. (2004). A meta-analysis of massage therapy research. Psychological Bulletin, 130(1), 3-18.

  5. Uvnäs-Moberg, K. (1998). Oxytocin may mediate the benefits of positive social interaction and emotions. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 23(8), 819-835.

  6. Kaada, B., & Torsteinbo, O. (1989). Increase of plasma beta-endorphins in connective tissue massage. General Pharmacology, 20(4), 487-489.

  7. Diego, M. A., Field, T., & Hernandez-Reif, M. (2004). Vagal activity, gastric motility, and weight gain in massaged preterm neonates. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 29(5), 403-410.

Buccal Massage Auckland - Kumo Natural Skincare

The Benefits of Buccal Massage